Baby's Space News & Media
Our media page featuring Baby's Space and child development related videos and publications from across the web.
Featured: What Does Baby's Space Mean to You?
August 2020
'Driving Change' panel: Rose uses 21st century tactics to lead
Terrie Rose and Baby's Space model how to raise kids from a child's point of view
Coughlan Companies Awards $27,500 to Baby's Space
Safeguarding Young Children: The Role for High Quality Childcare
Brain Hero - How people can affect a child's development
Article about Ashoka changemakers
Early Childhood Education Fellow Builds Relationships from Age Zero
Dr. Rose's blog entry on National Children's Mental Health Awareness Day
Held May 5, 2010 in St. Paul, Minnesota
Baby's Space: A safe place in Minneapolis - April 2010
Ashoka website - March 2010
By Marian Wright Edeleman, President of the Children’s Defense Fund, makes the case for investments in early childhood development. February 2010
Baby's Space 2018
Dr. Terrie Rose - From the Baby's Point of View. Focus on Emotional Health
School Readiness is About More than Knowing the ABC's and 123's.
Baby's Space 2017
Dr. Terrie Rose - From the Baby's Point of View. Focus on Emotional Health: School Readiness is About More than Knowing the ABC's and 123's.
Baby's Space Short Version
Abridged version about Baby's Space: Developing Successful Children. Baby's Space provides a childcare model for poverty-stricken area and focuses on the Baby's Point of View.
Baby's Space Long Version
Baby's Space model for childcare development centers. Using the baby's point of view, Baby's Space provides a model for childcare centers in areas of poverty.
The Science of Early Childhood Development
This video from the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University ( features Center Director Jack P. Shonkoff, M.D., professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, the Harvard School of Public Health, and Harvard Medical School addressing basic concepts of early childhood development, established over decades of neuroscience and behavioral research, which help illustrate why child development—particularly from birth to five years—is a foundation for a prosperous and sustainable society.
Brain Hero
In 2009, the Center on the Developing Child launched a collaboration with the Interactive Media Division of the School of Cinematic Arts at the University of Southern California (USC) to develop and test new ways of communicating the science of early childhood development using interactive media. The "Brain Hero" video, depicting how actions by a range of people in the family and community impact child development, is the first product of this collaboration.