Our Educational Programs
Wrap your child snug in a blanket of relationship-based care.
By practicing daily what every baby already knows – that loving, consistent relationships, and nurturing, intentional environments develop emotionally healthy, academically successful children – the Baby’s Space model gives young children daily opportunities to engage in relationships, experience and manage emotions, and learn through exploration and play. Programming from the baby’s point of view is as much about the how as it is about the what.
Because babies and young children need a lot of consistent and predictable love and attention to build a strong social, emotional, and cognitive foundation, Baby’s Space supports teachers in responding to each stage of a child’s unique development in the specific context of their culture and life circumstances. Critical decisions about the programs, staffing, space, and family services are checked against the critical question, “How does the baby see it?”
Infant Program
We believe that it is the countless ordinary experiences like changing a diaper and playing patty-cake with mom, dad, and teachers help a baby learn the pleasure, comfort, and security of relationships. A child who begins life with a sense of security and basic trust in relationships results will have positive regard for herself and others. Therefore our infant program is for babies who are 6 weeks to 16 months and has:
- One teacher available for every three babies;
- Teachers who are consistent and dedicated to developing trust and security through responsive and tender care;
- Curriculum that grows with the baby and offers opportunities to learn through touching, seeing, hearing, doing, talking and exploring;
- SEEDS of school readiness and daily individual story time;
- Daily schedule that responds to the individual needs of each baby;
- Detailed individualized reports on each baby’s activities throughout the day;
- Assessment profiles used to identify developmentally appropriate learning objectives;
- Daily communication with the
- important adults in the baby’s life; and
- Four parent-teacher conferences per year.
Infant Learning Space Our customized learning space allows babies to develop motor, cognitive and relationship skills in a comfortable and engaging environment with caring and responsive teachers. Relationships and cultural connections are strengthened throughout the learning space. Wrap-around mirrors in the infant room help strengthen attachment between babies and caregivers and increase the babies’ sense of connection and discovery. And ramps, crawl-in spaces, and textures promote problem solving and physical development.
Toddler Program
Helping toddlers form relationships, manage emotions, and learn through exploration and play are the central features of our toddler program. Caring, consistent, and nurturing teachers guide children through a variety of daily routines that include music, movement, free play, story time, meals, and naptime. Themes that change weekly provide new learning opportunities and include art, cooking, and messy play. Our toddler program is for young children who are 16 months to 33 months and has:
- One teacher available for every four toddlers;
- Teachers who are consistent and dedicated to helping toddlers develop a sense of themselves and others through caring and nurturing relationships;
- Curriculum that offers opportunities to learn through enriched daily activities, sharing, talking, and exploring;
SEEDS of school readiness and daily opportunities to engage in reading and being read to; - Daily schedule that is predictable and provides nutritious meals, consistent naptimes, and potty training when toddlers are ready;
- Assessment profiles used to identify developmentally appropriate learning objectives;
- Daily messages to parents about daily accomplishments; and
- Four parent-teacher conferences per year.
Toddler Learning Space Our customized learning space allow toddlers to develop motor, cognitive, and relationship skills in a comfortable and engaging environment with their friends and teachers. Children and adults feel the connection with the natural environment and with each other through the construction of the space, use of materials and wall murals. Cozy reading spaces positioned around the room are designed for comfort and adult-child engagement. Built-in structures and wall murals are designed for imagination and play. Mirrors on the slide allow toddlers to learn more about themselves and others.
Preschool Program
In our preschool program, three- and four-year-old children have the opportunity to participate in themed-based, hands-on opportunities for learning, creativity, and play. Caring, consistent and nurturing teachers facilitate emotional and social growth and academic success. Children have opportunities to make choices, engage in individual, small, and large group projects, which include art, music, health, reading readiness, and physical activities. Our preschool program is designed for children who have more than one year before entering kindergarten and their families. The program features:
- One teacher available for every six preschool-age children;
- Teachers who are consistent and dedicated to providing enriched opportunities for engagement in activities, relationships, and learning;
- Curriculum that offers opportunities to learn through enriched daily activities and complements the Minnesota Department of Education’s Early Indicators of Progress;
- SEEDS of school readiness and daily opportunities to engage in reading and being read to;
- Assessment profiles used to identify developmentally appropriate learning objectives;
- Daily messages to parents about daily accomplishments; and
- Four parent-teacher conferences per year.
Preschool Learning SpaceOur customized preschool learning space features a nature-based setting, and presents opportunities for movement, learning, and imagination. A slide, tower, house, and crawl-in spaces provide numerous opportunities for engagement and play. Teachers and children can comfortably spend their days within this engaging setting surrounded by murals of the forest.
Pre-Kindergarten Program
The year before entering kindergarten is an important opportunity for us to help children get ready to learn in the more formal setting of elementary school. Our teachers continue to nurture competence and confidence in both academics and emotional development. We believe that it is as important that a child knows the letters in her name as it is that she can wait her turn to answer a question asked by the teacher. The pre-kindergarten program provides opportunities for children to make choices, engage in individual, small and large group projects, which include art, music, health, reading readiness, and physical activities. The pre-kindergarten program features:
- One teacher available for every seven pre-kindergarten children;
- Teachers who are consistent and dedicated to providing enriched opportunities for engagement in activities, relationships, and learning;
- Curriculum that offers opportunities to learn through enriched daily activities and complements the Minnesota Department of Education’s Early Indicators of Progress;
- SEEDS of school readiness and daily opportunities to engage in reading and being read to;
- Reading Corp Literacy program and individual tutoring;
- Daily schedule that is predictable and provides nutritious meals, consistent naptimes, and outside activities;
- Assessment profiles used to identify developmentally appropriate learning objectives;
- Daily messages to parents about daily accomplishments; and
- Four parent-teacher conferences per year.
Pre-Kindergarten Learning Space The customized pre-kindergarten learning space combines the best of a play-centered environment that supports the development of academic skills and social skills. The porch/house area can be transformed to support the theme-based curriculum, expanding opportunities for learning and imagination. A slide, tower, house, and crawl-in spaces provide numerous opportunities for engagement and play.
Parent Education & Support Program
The full impact of our high-quality programming for children depends on how well we support and educate parents in creating success with their children. Baby’s Space facilities are integrated one-stop child development centers in which full-day, full-year child and family services are interrelated and of equal importance. For example, a mother can bring her child to the childcare and stop to talk with a staff member about her worries about her violent boyfriend, eliminating the inconvenience of visiting another counselor at a different agency.
Helping parents build positive, protective factors that strengthen their families is the central goal of parent engagement. We work side by side with families, customizing support and education to respond to the strengths and needs of each child, parent, and family. Through participation in services, parents develop the understanding and capacities necessary to nurture their children, support their academic achievements, and ensure their children’s future success. As a result, support networks in communities are fortified with children and families becoming the force for lasting change.
Baby’s Space supports parents to develop and enhance five factors identified by the Federal Department of Health and Human Services:
- Sensitive, responsive, and nurturing parent-child relationship;
- Understanding of stages of child development;
- Social connections and a sense of belonging;
- Ability to manage the stress of parenting, poverty and other issues; and
- Support in meeting basic needs.
For families living in poverty, too many experiences focus on failures. Baby’s Space works to make its experiences and interactions with families as positive as possible. For example, transition scholarships allow Baby’s Space to provide consistent, uninterrupted care and education. The scholarships are for children whose parents are unable to maintain eligibility for subsidized childcare due to parental mental illness, homelessness, and involvement in child protective services.
In addition, Baby’s Space provides all incidental items that children need during the day, including diapers, food and extra clothing. As needed, staff may help families get cribs, strollers or winter coats. The relationships that Baby’s Space maintains with multiple community service organizations enables it to provide families with “birthday boxes,” holiday gifts, and children’s books.